I am so very pleased that I made an appointment with Dr. Blair’s office…
On June 14, 2013 I had an office lift performed with Dr. Paul Blair. I had wanted a neck lift for a couple years but when reading the stories online I changed my mind. The pain just didn’t sound like it was worth it. I am so very pleased that I made an appointment with Dr. Blair’s office. I wish I would not have waited so long.It was nice not having anesthesia. The shots for numbing were painful but soon after you are numb and don’t feel a thing.Dr. Blair made sure to check on me that evening. The 1st couple days the pain would come and go but nothing you couldn’t handle it was like having a tooth or ear ache. On the 3rd day much better even so I went to work “after hours” and did some paperwork and by the 6th day I was working a couple hours during work hours. I was still swollen but not as bad ad I thought I might be and no bruising which was great. I love the results. My turkey neck and sagging jaw are gone.
Thank you Dr. Blair and staff for everything you have done. I will be back and recommending you in my area.
-GW January 29, 2017
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